Dandelion Flower Oil Testimonials

Dandelion Flower Oil

Dandelion Flower Oil

Dandelion – Taraxacum officinale

local wildcrafted and organic blossoms


Dandelion Flower Oil

“Try it, it works! If this remedy needed a slogan, that would be it. I have been using Joanne’s Fireweed Botanicals Dandelion Flower Oil for approximately 2 ½ months and I won’t be without it. For 6 years I have suffered from chronic neck and shoulder pain related to work injuries and stress. As a result I would always wake up feeling stiff and sore. After just one application of Fireweed Botanicals Dandelion Oil I awoke the next morning pain free. I couldn’t believe it so I kept applying it ever night and to this day it is still working. Working in the health industry for almost 20 years. I have tried virtually everything out there, nothing has worked faster or more consistently than this oil. I am so grateful for this remedy. If you suffer from chronic pain and tension this could be your answer too.” 

Stephanie, Health Consultant,
Victoria, BC


Dandelion Flower Oil“I have been using Joanne’s Fireweed Botanical products and have found the Dandelion Flower Oil particularly helpful in connecting clients to their emotions. I add Joanne’s Dandelion Flower Oil to my aromatherapy blend if I sense that a client’s ailment or physical symptoms may be a result of held in emotions or an inability to express themselves. It seems to me that clients feel more in tune and balanced and are more open and receptive to the treatment.”

Jennifer, Founder of Earth Essence Holistic,
Victoria, BC


Dandelion Flower OilFireweed Botanicals Dandelion Oil: I find it very helpful on tense and strained muscles. Having had symptoms of fibromyalgia for several years, I learned quickly to notice when any muscles, usually neck, shoulder and arms, are overtired and cramped. I massage in enough of Joanne’s Fireweed Botanicals Dandelion Oil to cover the entire surface of the affected muscles for a few minutes, and always feel soothing relief in a short while. When travelling or just going out for a day’s shopping, I take a bottle with me just in case! It’s worth the carrying!”

Pender Island, BC